- Brow/Forehead lift repositions sagging eyebrows and smooths frown lines caused by aging.
- Incision hidden in the scalp or along the hairline for discreet results.
- Dr. Vincent E. Voci removes frown muscles and repositions forehead/brow muscles and skin for natural rejuvenation.
- Often paired with Facelift or Lower Eyelid Lift for optimal results.
- Dr. Voci advocates against the Endoscopic approach due to its short-lasting results and higher failure rate.
- Long-lasting results without the risk of a "surprised look."
- Incisions are discreetly placed within the hairline for minimal visibility.
As the face ages, drooping eyebrows and forehead lines can create a tired or angry appearance, but a Brow/Foreheadlift by Dr. Vincent E. Voci in Charlotte can address these concerns. Using hidden scalp or hairline incisions, Dr. Voci repositions sagging tissues and smooths frown lines, resulting in a natural, refreshed look. Often combined with other procedures like Facelifts or Lower Eyelid Lifts, Browlifts are effective even in the mid-30s age group. Dr. Voci's approach ensures long-lasting results without the risk of a "surprised look," with incisions discreetly placed within the hairline.
Surgical Technique
There are several techniques that can be considered during a Browlift/Foreheadlift procedure.
Anterior Hairline Incision
This approach places the incision at the edge of the forehead hairline. It is only used if the patient's hairline is very high to begin with and cannot tolerate even a 5mm elevation. This occurs in only a few percent of patients in Dr. Voci's experience. The result is the same as the more common Bicoronal approach (higher in the hair, see below), a more pleasant, rested, brighter eyed look. Never the surprised look, however.
Endoscopic Brow Lift
It uses several small (1-inch or smaller) incisions behind the hairline where an endoscope (specialized camera) is placed, and surgical tools are used to elevate the eyebrows. The stitches are located inside the incision to help minimize scarring. While this technique is a common approach, sometimes the results can be unpredictable, unreliable, and not long lasting. Dr.Voci does not use this procedure because of the poor results. It is often done by some because it is quick and appealing because of the small incisions. the results do not warrant these "advantages".
Bicoronal (Coronal) Brow Lift
This approach places the incision line several inches behind the hairline. This incision is typically very hidden by the patient’s hair. This technique naturally repositions the eyebrows up and removes frown muscles to offer an alert, more pleasant, and revitalized appearance. This approach, Dr.Voci's preferred, does offer dramatic long lasting natural results with a hidden scar in the hair. The best.

Brow Lift FAQs
Brow , Eyelid, or Face Lift?
This will be discussed in detail during your initial consultation with Dr. Voci. Many times, the effects of aging take place in the forehead and eyelid region first. If wrinkles low eyebrows exist on the forehead crowding the eyes or causing a concened, angry, or tired look, then a brow lift or forehead lift may be indicated. For puffy eyelids, a Blepharoplasty (Eyelid lift) is needed. For jowls and laxity of the cheeks along the lower face, then another procedure such as a Facelift may be worth consideration. Sometimes these procedures can be combined for maximum results. In your mid-30's, it is not uncommon to need a Browlift and Liposuction of the jawline and under the chin, or a Mini-Necklift. This may not be needed until the mid-40's in some luckier people. Brow/Foreheadlifts can be combined with all these procedures, a Lower Blepharoplasty and or a Facelift, if they are needed. Combinations are excellent because the recoveries are condensed...so is the cost.
Will I Look Unnatural ?
Browifts produce results that allow patients to appear more awake, alert, and pleasant, yet the results are often subtle. An experienced Plastic Surgeon, like Dr. Voci, will work within the patient’s facial structure, anatomy, and skin tone to create aesthetic natural results that avoid a wide-eyed or hyper-alert appearance. Dr. Voci knows that many patients fear the "surprised look" and with his technique of repositioning and not pulling, this is achieved.
Can I Just use BOTOX?
Maybe ! BOTOX is a great non-surgical option that can improve the wrinkles and fine lines of the forehead and even raise the eyebrows by weakening the downward pulling frown and crow's feet muscles. Dr. Voci calls it the "Medical Browlift". And it stops the clock ! However, it will not reverse gravity. Older patients with more gravitational change or someone who does not wish to come to the office every 3-4 months for injections will prefer a surgical Browlift. Some patients, who are contemplating surgery may want to try BOTOX first and see if the results satisfy their aesthetic goals. If so, then a Browlift will be a long lasting alternative, and if not, then a Browlift maybe indicated to reverse the gravitational change. Dr.Voci will provide all options during his initial Consultation.
Visible Scarring?
The incisions made during a Browlift procedure are usually well-concealed within the scalp hair well behind the hairline or in the case of the less common, anterior hairline incision, in front of the hairline, as a fine zig-zag line in and out of the hair. Whether they are placed in the hair or on the anterior hairline, every effort is made to keep the incisions a fine line. Even your hairdresser may not see it once it matures over a few months.